Thursday, February 25, 2010

Sayonara Winter!

Top 10 Signs that I know Winter is over:
#10 - Bees are all over my garden.
#9 - Pointsettias are happy to be outside.
#8 - My stray cats are 'singing' (yikes).
#7 - Baker Nursery has orange justicia now!
#6 - I stopped turning on my electric blanket.
#5 - Flowering pear tree has flowered.
#4 - Fungal gnats keep finding my glass of wine.
#3 - Maggie dog is shedding.
#2 - Tomatoes are ripening.

#1 - The bermuda grass is on the move!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Weekend Getout-away!

Winter is waning and that means spring is almost upon us. Need a good reason to get out and enjoy the great weather? Check out the Willo Historic Neighborhood Home Tour this weekend Sunday 02/14.

Willo Home Tour
Sunday, February 14, 2010 10am - 4pm

And if that isn't enough, mark your calendar for the Coronado Historic Neighborhood Home Tour Sunday 02/28.

Coronado Home Tour
Sunday February 28, 2010 10 AM to 5 PM

Lots to see and enjoy!